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Mapenzi ya Sultan: 5 Things Betty Kyallo reportedly did to Denis Okari that would have crashed any other man

On Friday the 7th of October, we woke up to a story run by The Nairobian about how Betty Kyallo risked it all for a piece of Sultan but that love soon turned sour. Interestingly these are the statistics in America of successful second marriages or dalliances after a woman has divorced her first husband:
So if we were in America, Betty Kyallo would only have had a 33% chance to make things work with Sultan or 3 out of 10.
The only cause of divorce is marriage. I will never get married but this story is not about me. It is about a man who from the whispers I am catching was advised against marrying Betty. Actually, in her interview with True Love, she said Denis Okari had even bailed out on their traditional wedding ceremony.
The one thing that is clear for all to see is the fact that Betty Kyallo’s actions were a cruel exercise in humiliation to Denis Okari. Atleast that is what I believe. You see, while I do not empathise with alot, I can empathize with humiliation.
I was enjoying some water (I nolonger drink alcohol) with my uncle when the topic of Betty Kyallo and her uhm… Affairs.
I do not judge her because my uncle taught me about hypergamy and it explains what Betty Kyallo was upto. However, while what she did wasn’t condemnable, how she went about it was. You see, Betty and Denis were blessed with a little daughter, a child who should be protected at all costs from her mother’s controversial affairs (pun unintended).
#1. Accepting money from the man cuckolding him
According to The Nairobian, Betty Kyallo had Joho finance her wedding in part. Can you imagine a man having to accept his fiance’s contribution to their wedding only to later learn that she got it from the man that was cuckolding him?
This is the same look I would have worn
#2. Publicising her custody issues
When Betty Kyallo went to her True Love interview, she had it in her mind to expose her former lover. The man whom she had a child with and at one point loved. One of the things she said in that interview was that he was a deadbeat dad. Can you imagine that? Why would she feel the need to share that information all the while hiding the reason for their separation?
#3. Exposing him to ridicule
For a long time, Denis Okari was the laughing stock. Betty Kyallo exposed him to a level of scrutiny that was absurd. How could a man who had been faithful be humiliated for choosing to remain faithful and suffer in silence?
Denis Okari was trolled like no one I have seen before. Remember the “Wailing Wall Challenge”? It started with this photo:
This was how it was retouched:
#4. Painting the picture of him as a coward
He was accused of an inability to protect her from his own family. Here stood a man with a family; a man who has promised to provide and protect for his family, being told he had failed at it by none other than his brother-in-law!
#5. Publicising her relationship by flaunting Joho’s car
There is no shame in Joho taking your woman. he is the goddamn Sultan. But for the love of god atleast try to keep that dalliance under wraps. Betty was high key flaunting it. It felt like she was rubbing it in Denis’ face.
I do not know about you but Denis is a bigger man than I. I would have snapped. But Denis kept his cool and has been the consummate gentleman throughout everything that unfolded. I salute the guy. I’m out!

Here is a funny gif of Kanye dancing. It isn’t really related to the story, I just found it funny.

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