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Kingwa Kamencu’s semi-nude photos light up social media

Former presidential aspirant Kingwa Kamencu has stirred social media after sharing semi-nude photos of herself.
Kamencu, who is also a thespian shared the revealing photos of herself while in the bathroom.
“Look how pretty my natural hair looks when it's wet. It's also grown in length and become quite thick and full of body,” she captioned the photos which sparked different reactions from her social media followers.
“President of the bathroom!” wrote William Makora as Jared Juma inquired, “Which hair? Or you mean on your head?”
“KK why are you so erratic ?????” posed Moyib Olusegun while Karwii Mburugu-Mwalo wrote “I just can’t...trying so hard to focus on the hair.”
Kenya Sex Party
Less than a month ago, Kamencu revealed that she had formed the Kenya Sex Party ahead of the 2022 general elections.
“I have always been in politics, only that my style of doing things is different from the rest of the politicians. I chose the name (Kenya Sex Party) because we all know that sex is what leads to birth and what we are doing is giving birth to new ideas,” she said.
When asked about the numerous nude photos littering her Facebook page, she denied responsibility saying they must have been leaked from ‘somewhere.’
“I didn’t give the media any nude photos. People can be evil…probably they were photo shopped or something. The photos have been on my Facebook page and as you know everyone can have access to them,” Kamencu said.

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