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Justice Lessit Strikes Again With a Life Imprisonment Sentencing

High Court Judge Judge Jessie Lessit on Thursday imprisoned a Rwandese woman to life imprisonment after she was accused of murder.

In a ruling delivered on Thursday, November 1, the judge stated that Antoinette Uniweza, otherwise known as Michelin Uwababyyi, killed her friend, Winnie Uwambaye, deliberately.

The judge added that the killing of the woman and her seven-month-old baby was “with malice and in a brutal manner.”

The crime arose after disagreements between the two over a white boyfriend.

The incident took place in February of 2013 at Sahara Lodge in Nairobi.

The no-nonsense judge is the lead justice in the ongoing Migori Governor Okoth Obado’s case involving the murder of Rongo University student Sharon Otieno.
Obado’s lawyer Cliff Ombeta has even attested to the amount of respect and fear the judge generates from city lawyers in Nairobi who have appeared in her court.

In July 2018, she un-apologetically handed a death sentence to a Lang’ata prisoner Ruth Kamande stating that it was important that young people realised killing a boyfriend or girlfriend is “not cool.”

Judge Lessit is the head of Milimani High Court Criminal Division and also the chairperson of the Bail and Bond Implementation Committee with a career spanning 30 years.

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