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Eric Omondi’s response on if he is Jacque Maribe’s baby daddy

Comedian Eric Omondi once again had to deal with the question on if he fathered Jacque Maribe’s 4-year-old son Zahari.
In an interview with Radio Jambo’s Massawe Jappani, when asked to clear the air on speculations going round, Eric maintained that the question was private.
“Are you the child’s father?” she asked the comedian upon which Eric Omondi replied, “That question is private, you understand?”
When asked to explain why he posted the photo of the child on social media at the height of speculations during the detention of the TV presenter, the comedian dodged the question once again.
“That question has been asked a lot. There are people who have called me up to ask why I posted the child’s photo. It is a difficult question,” he replied.
The paternity of the child has become a topic of discussion especially after a close friend disclosed to a local newspaper that the comedian fathered the child.
At one time when he was pressed to clarify the issue once and for all, Eric explained that it wasn’t a good time to discuss the question but noted that he knew the father of the child.
Sources disclose that Maribe and Eric Omondi dated back in 2014 before eventually parting
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