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Curvy women may be more intelligent than skinny women

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If you are a little curvier or more voluptuous than the average girl, you may actually be smarter too! And more importantly, this can have strong implications in giving birth to a smarter child!

So how does it even make sense? What does our weight have to do with our IQ?
(1) Waist Hip Ratio (WHR)
(1) Waist Hip Ratio (WHR)

New Scientific research conducted in America has concluded that the bigger the difference between your waist and hip ratio (WHR) the better it is for you and your child’s IQ. For those who have never heard of WHR before, it refers to the ratio of upper body fat to lower body fat (Lasseka & Gaulin, 2008). So basically, women with smaller waists than hips (or with a typical ‘hourglass figure’) are said to be smarter than slimmer women.

In a large study by Lasseka & Gaulin (2008) that examined 16,000 women and girls from 1988-1994, there was a strong association between being more curvy and improved performance in cognitive tests.

Curvy = Increased storage of Omega 3 Fatty Acids:
‘Gluteofemoral fat’, the general term describing fat around the buttock and thigh region is said to store the main source of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs), especially the omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (an Omega 3 fatty acid) (Lasseka & Gaulinm 2008). In curvier women, where more fat is distributed around the hips and thighs, there is an increased amount of stored omega 3 fatty acids.

Years of research emphasise the importance of Omega 3 for the neurodevelopment of a growing fetus, or baby during pregnancy. This is especially evident during the third trimester, where the baby is growing the most; this extra fat on a mother’s hips is important for this development. Furthermore, following the delivery of the baby, this hip fat is used for the energy needs of breastfeeding mothers.

What does having a lower WHR mean?
So put simply, the study emphasises that a mother who has a lower WHR is believed to have:

–          A lower BMI

–          less body fat

–          less energy reserves to meet the demanding needs of pregnancy

–          less omega 3 fatty acids to meet the baby’s neuro-developmental needs.

Skinner women, with a higher waist to hip ratio (WHR) were recognised to have less Omega 3 fatty acids stored within their fat and this was the link believed to be associated with the reduced performance within the cognitive tasks.

Take Home Message:
Obviously, it’s important to understand that there are limitations to studies such as these. The intelligence of a child depends on various other factors such as the education level of both their parents, the financial situation of the family among other things.

So whilst it’s interesting for us curvy women to contemplate the fabulous effects that being curvy has on our IQ and that of our offspring, we can’t get too excited!

*The paper is referenced below for those who may be interested in reading the full version.

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