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Corazon Kwamboka places Dr Mugo Wa Wairimu where he belongs

Dr Mugo wa wairimu

Advocate Corazon Kwamboka together with many Kenyans have condemned Dr Mugo Wa Wairimu who has been exposed for the second time.
Mr James Mugo Ndichu was first arrested in 2015 and charged where he used to conduct illegal medical business in Githurai 44. This time round, he moved to Kayole.
Wairimu was also charged on April this year for obtaining Sh100,000 by false pretenses.
Detectives have been looking for him after he went missing following the expose. Police also recovered equipment believed to be used in facilitating illegal abortions.
Well, Kwamboka has condemned Mugo in a message and even asked the government to do thorough investigations.
Catching up with recent affairs yesterday and I come across a documentary about this guy. First I thought, ah! This again, only to realize that this is a fresh investigation, not the 2015 one. This guy is back doing harm to vulnerable women in Nairobi.
First I want to extend my sympathy to every woman who has been through such ordeals. No woman deserves to be raped, but even worse to be raped or taken advantage of by a doctor, someone you trusted to act in your best interest at your most vulnerable time. I am not here to condemn or judge you for procuring an abortion, I don’t know your story. I’m here to condemn this quack for putting his patients at risk, by doing medical procedures without due diligence and when high as a giraffes ass, and afterwards overcharging and raping women amidst the trauma they just underwent.
Lately, I’ve been to one doctors office to another (gynecologist). When you go to a doctors office, you think this is your safe space, and to be sexually assaulted when under the influence of the anaesthesia is beyond sick.
In 2015, this quack could not be charged with rape for lack of forensic. This time I hope the relevant government agencies will do thorough and proper investigation, and our courts will not slack either in order to protect us once and for all against the devious MUGO wa WAIRIMU. 
#askcorazonlaw #legaltuesday
Dr Mugo wa wairimu

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