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Woman kills boyfriend after catching him naked in a hot tub with two women


A nursery worker has been found guilty of stabbing her boyfriend to death after she caught him naked in a hot tub with two other women

Demi Harris knifed Christopher Pearson in the abdomen after the couple rowed at his home in Hucknall, Notts. ​

She was convicted of manslaughter following a two-week trial at Nottingham Crown Court.

Jurors heard Mr Pearson started swinging his BOXER SHIRTS around his head before he jumped nude into the hot tub with two other women in their underwear.

Mr Pearson had pulled a 'humiliated' Harris into the hot tub fully-clothed when she confronted him in his garden last February.

Demi Harris, 21, leaves Nottingham Crown Court. [Courtesy]

Prosecutors said the 39-year-old was nude in the water with a two male pals - while one woman had stripped to her underwear and another sat on the rim of the tub dangling her feet in.

Harris, 21, had leant out of a window and shouted, "Are you actually getting naked whilst other girls are there?"

When she realised what was happening - she added: "Don't you dare."

After Mr Pearson pulled her in - branding her 'boring' and 'embarrassing' - she poured a bottle of solvent cleaner into the water then stormed back into the house and cut the power to the hot tub and outside music.

The other guests decided to go home, leaving a naked Mr Pearson to follow Harris inside the semi-detached house, the court heard.

But when one of the women went into the house she found Harris, who said: "What have I done? What have I done?"

Witnesses described seeing a "big wound" in Mr Pearson's stomach with "his "intestines hanging out."

Jurors were told Mr Pearson was lying on his back, with his torso on the landing and his legs on the bathroom floor, mumbling: "What's happened?"

Prosecutor Michael Auty QC said: "Miss Harris then volunteered, "I've gone too far this time.

"In those few words she encapsulates the prosecution case. He began to slip in and out of consciousness and it was plain that he was fading fast.

"Asked what happened, Miss Harris replied, 'I've stabbed him, but I had to, I had to'. She went on to explain that she had used a knife that she had got from his 'top drawer' and that 'I had to because he attacked me'.

"She instinctively knew that he was close to death and repeatedly said, 'He's going to die, he's going to die'".

Christopher Pearson, 39, suffered a fatal stab wound to his stomach. [Courtesy]

Harris was arrested while walking to her mother's house. Paramedics rushed to Mr Pearson's home and he was taken to hospital with two stab wounds to the stomach.

But he died following three blood transfusions and surgery to try to repair his injuries.

Giving evidence in her own defence Harris, of Hucknall, said she grabbed the knife, which Mr Pearson kept upstairs for 'protection', because she was 'scared'.

She claimed her partner had grabbed her hair and threatened to beat her up, adding: "I didn't want to do anything with it. I just wanted to poke him and get him off me."

Harris also told the court Pearson had been been violent throughout their relationship, took most of her monthly income and once tried to coax her to kill herself by overdosing on tablets.

Asked why she never left him by her barrister, Sallie Bennett-Jenkins QC, she replied: "I loved him and thought he was going to change."

Harris was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter.

She was released on bail and will be sentenced on December 7.
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