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Top 10 Largest Cities in East Africa by Population 2018

Top 10 Largest Cities in East Africa by Population 2018

Easy Africa is made up of nine countries namely; Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia. Each of these countries has at least one city, most of which have more than one million people.
Below we look at the largest cities in East Africa by population, with Dar es Salaam leading with approximately 4.5 million people.
It’s worth noting that the population figures indicated below is the total urban population, excluding the metropolitan figures. For instance, Nairobi has an urban population of about 3.5 million and a metro population of 6.5 million.
On the other hand, Addis Ababa has an urban population of 3.4 million and a metro population of 6.6 million.

Largest Cities in East Africa 2018

1.Dar es SalaamTanzania4.5 Million
2.NairobiKenya3.5 Million
3.Addis AbabaEthiopia3.4 Million
4.MogadishuSomalia2.4 Million
5.OmdurmanSudan2.4 Million
6.KampalaUganda1.6 Million
7.KigaliRwanda `1.3 Million
8.MombasaKenya1.2 Million
9.KisumuKenya1.1 Million
10.HargeisaSomalia1.1 Million

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