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This Is Why DP Ruto Is Leaving Jubilee Soon

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Suna East MP Junet Mohammed has accused Deputy President William Ruto of using ODM party leader Raila Odinga as a scape goat as he plans on exiting Jubilee Party.

While addressing reporters at Wilson Airport, Junet who is also the minority chief whip in the National Assembly said that Ruto is only looking for a reason to leave his party, noting that he has left at least 6 parties in the past.

Junet was flanked by Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho who is also ODM’s deputy party leader. Joho on his part responded to Ruto who on Sunday accused Odinga of using the handshake to bring “confusion, propaganda and conman-ship into our party.”

Hitting back at the DP, Joho said: “We have learnt from the actions of President Uhuru and Raila Odinga, people can disagree but eventually come together for the purpose of the country.”

He also noted that they are a new breed of politicians and are watching his every move.

The MP also dragged Ruto into the dramatic tax law debate in Parliament saying that “he is the leader of commotion.”

junet, ruto

“We know what he did in Parliament when we were debating the tax laws. He is the one who orchestrated that kind of commotion!” Junet said.

Ruto while speaking in Kisauni said that there is a plot to edge him out Jubilee as they did while he was in ODM.

“I was also in ODM and they kicked me out after issuing me with show cause letter as they have done to Aisha Jumwa and Suleiman Dori. But I want to tell them, you cannot eject me from ODM then follow me and have me out of Jubilee. That is impossible,” the DP said.
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