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Raila's Latest Move that Will Anger Somalia

In the midst of a diplomatic rift between Kenya and Somalia that saw the country bar Somali government officials from entering Kenya last week despite possessing a diplomatic passport, the actions of former Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, will only bring more tension.

The ODM party chief met with leaders from the autonomous region of Somaliland and discussed among other issues, the international recognition of Somaliland as a state.

Somaliland is geographically a part of Somalia but has been wanting to break away from the mainland country since 1991 when there was a civil war.

The region is independent politically and economically, holding their separate elections from the mainland.

Kenya has been supporting the international recognition of Somaliland.

Leaders of the region met Kenya's top political and business heads to discuss ways of strengthening economic and political partnerships.
Mr Odinga noted the importance of Somaliland to the stability of the Horn of Africa.

At the same time, Leader of Majority in the National Assembly Aden Duale invited Somaliland's two political parties, UICD and Kulmiye to the Kenyan Parliament.

They discussed various ways to strengthen practices between the two countries.
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