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Police Arrest Most Wanted Gangster Brayo Kigonyi

Police in Nairobi have arrested a most wanted criminal linked to the murder of police officers in the city.

The hardened youthful gangster known as Brayo was arrested on Wednesday night by the renowned crime buster Ahmed Rashid.

He is being held at the Pangani police station.

Brayo is wanted for a series of robberies and murders in the city.

Brayo was arrested on Wednesday night and locked up at the Pangani police station. /COURTESY

He is believed to be the man who shot dead Corporal Martin Korir during a highway robbery on a Thika-bound Neo Kenya bus on Thika Road on April 28.

The thugs took away the officer's gun after searching him and other passengers.

The gun was later recovered by Flying Squad officers on the night of May 12 after they ambushed and killed four gangsters in Dandora Phase 2.

Brayo is also wanted in connection with the shooting of Deputy CJ Philomena Mwilu’s driver on October 24, last year.

The attackers also made away with the officer's gun during the shooting in Hurlingham Estate near Marsabit Plaza. The driver survived the attack.

The shooting happened moments after the bodyguard dropped off the DCJ at her Karen home.

Three suspects, James Wachira, Eric Njuguna and Everyncy Khalifwa, were arraigned before Kibera chief magistrate on December 5.

They denied the charges and were each released on Sh1 million bond with sureties of the same amount.

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