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Otile Brown hints Vera Sidika aborted his baby in ‘Niacheni’

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Otile Brown has finally spoken his piece.
In an explosive break up song, Otile outlines why he stopped loving Vera Sidika and why he eventually broke up with her.

Vera Sidika
Vera Sidika. /INSTAGRAM

The reasons are not flattering for Queen Vee at all.
“Words burn my heart, but they will not stop me from speaking out. If you had already killed me, your statement [on our breakup] would have been the officoal story,” Otile said in the lyrics of his latest release ‘Niacheni’.
The RnB heartthrob went on spilling the tea on why they broke up.
Otile then drops the bombshell of the year.
“Mama, I know you, don’t pretend like you did not know what the issue is, you aborted my child.”
In her defence Vera Sidika said that she has baby fever and would never kill her child.
Infact, she was shopping for a sperm donor to fertilize her eggs artificially.

Former love birds Otile Brown and Vera Sidika. /INSTAGRAM

“I have said this a thousand times, in interviews, that I don’t want to get married. It is not my thing. All I wanted was to get a baby from a sperm bank,” Vera said.
Adding, “It is crazy that I actually visited sperm banks while in Los Angeles just to prepare myself for that stage. After launching my business that’s what I was going to do!”
Here’s ‘Niacheni’:

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