My Name Is Sarah. I loved James with all my heart.
I dedicated all my life to James and respected his feelings. We studied in the
same school.
One day He proposed that we have unprotected sex.
I tried to oppose the idea but he refused saying that he will support me even if i
get pregnant. I had no option but to
accept James proposal of having sex.
After two weeks from the time we had
sex, I started feeling dizzy, headache and
general body weakness.
So I told James about it. He gave me
money to go and test for
When I went there, the test proved that I
was pregnant.
When I told James about it, He Laughed and
started abusing me. James who loved me
with all his heart changed and even
called me a slut.
He told me that he was just using me to
satisfy his feelings because his girlfriend was
I cried and cried and felt heartbroken. I
went home and told my dad that I was
pregnant and thank God he never chased
me from his home.
He kept me until I gave birth to a baby
boy. Just after six months at home, dad
got a house maid who took care of my
I went back to school, sat for my exams
and passed well.
I decided to join police force.
During the training, I met a guy by the
name Sam who loved me beyond love.
He asked me to marry him but I feared
since I had a son at home.
So one day I got bold and told him that I
love you but I have a son at home.
To my surprise, Sam told me that even if
u have ten sons, I will marry you. It was a
day of joy in my heart.
We completed our training and got
Today We Are Really Happy in our Lives.
We have three children and they study
at school…… Sam doesn’t eat when am
not around.
We share our secrets and above all Sam
has made me forget the suffering that
James inflicted in my mind those days.
I pray that God gives you a partner who
will stand with you in every situation in
life and the one who will make you
forget your past.