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Ndegwa Muhoro Tried To Kill Me – Ahmednasir Abdullahi

Renowned lawyer Ahmednasir Abdullahi has revealed that former DCI boss Ndegwa Muhro, who is now an ambassador wanted to kill him, but did not reveal the reason.
Speaking to Citizen Tv, Abdullahi revealed that  over 300 Kenyans disappeared during Muhoro’s tenure under unclear circumstances.
“The former DCI boss was a disgrace the only thing he used to investigate was expired title deeds, only. The current DCI concentrates on the right job,” said the senior counsel.
The lawyer also faulted the current parliament, saying that it has been turned into a conveyor belt doing anything the President wants without question. He said this is the reason unqualified people find their way into top positions in government, just like Muhoro, whom he terms as a disgrace.
“Parliament does not vet people it is a conveyor belt; there is no vetting in parliament, parliament is dead. I’m surprised you are talking about parliament,” he said.
Consequently, Abdullahi popularly known as Grand Mullah, said President Kenyatta may not leave a legacy at the expiry of his term due to the people surrounding him. He says despite the President’s top officials under performing, he is slow to taking action.
“People ignore him because there are no consequences for ignoring Uhuru; and it is not that they are performing. The president does not have people who support him and implement his agenda. He is a one man army; a general without soldiers,” he said.
He said that President Kenyatta could have built his legacy around something else, like the rule of law instead of the Big Four Agenda, which is so obvious.

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