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Governor Anne Waiguru Excites Crowd As She ODI Dance (Video)


Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru on Thursday showed off her dance moves as she launched Wanguru Market.
Ms Waiguru, in the company of other local leaders got down to Navy Kenzo’s Katika jam featuring Diamond Platnumz.
Posting the short dance video on Twitter, the county boss said: “Kirinyaga’s Got Talent!! DG, MCAs & I got to dust off our dancing skills with this talented youth group from Mwea.”
During the launch she told constituents that “expansion and rehabilitation of markets creates more jobs and better interactions between traders and buyers.”
The dance excited Kenyans online who said:
Kirinyaga's Got Talent!! DG, MCAs & I got to dust off our dancing skills with this talented youth group from Mwea.
Wow, you did great for real. I bet you do this at home alone
Kirinyaga's Got Talent!! DG, MCAs & I got to dust off our dancing skills with this talented youth group from Mwea.
Kirinyaga's Got Talent!! DG, MCAs & I got to dust off our dancing skills with this talented youth group from Mwea.
Kirinyaga's Got Talent!! DG, MCAs & I got to dust off our dancing skills with this talented youth group from Mwea.
Haha The DG has other Talents as postulated in previous Encounters with private cameras😂😂

Kirinyaga's Got Talent!! DG, MCAs & I got to dust off our dancing skills with this talented youth group from Mwea.

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