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Dennis Itumbi in Mournin

Itumbi with Big Ted at State House.  Dennis Itumbi Mourns Migori Women Rep Bodyguard Fred Owich

Director of Digital, Innovations and Diaspora Communications in the office of the President Dennis Itumbi is in mourning.

Mr. Itumbi is mourning the sudden death of his childhood friend Fred Owich who died in a road accident that left Migori Woman Representative Pamela Odhiambo with injuries.
Owich who worked as the bodyguard and driver to the Migori Woman Representative is reported to have lost control of the vehicle while he tried to avoid hitting a boda-boda.
The aide died on the spot while the Woman Representative sustained chest injuries and was rushed to a Kisumu hospital and later flown to Nairobi for further treatment.
playDennis Itumbi and the late Fred Owich. Dennis Itumbi Mourns Migori Women Rep Bodyguard Fred Owich (Courtesy)
In a well written post, Itumbi has remember the good old days when he grew up with Owich, saying that it was sad to learn that his friend, the ever smiling and happy guy was gone.

Itumbi’s condolences message to Fred Owich

playThe late Fred Owich. Dennis Itumbi and the late Fred Owich. Dennis Itumbi Mourns Migori Women Rep Bodyguard Fred Owich (Courtesy)
“Sometimes you hear of a news story and think it is has a remote connection to you.
That is how I got the news of the accident involving the Migori Women Rep. I said a prayer and secretly noted that police are usually forgotten in such incidents. Only to learn that the bodyguard who lost his life in the incident is Fred Owich. We grew up together and spent our childhood playing games, discovering life and dreaming of success in our adulthood together. We booked cars we would drive later in life by the roadside, whenever cars of the same number plate passed by, one of us lost the game”
“We competed who would grow the best seedlings first. Our parents adominished us together and we shared food in our respective homes many times. At some point in our adulthood as we sought education and hustled for what life had to offer, we parted ways. But each time we met we had memories to share. Sad to learn Fred, the ever smiling and happy guy, our volunteer protective bouncer as we grew up is gone. To the family, poleni sana. God strengthen and comfort you. In Fred, we know you are a great family. From the larger Itumbi family, kindly accept our condelences.” Wrote Dennis Itumbi.
playThe late Fred Owich. Dennis Itumbi Mourns Migori Women Rep Bodyguard Fred Owich (Courtesy )

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