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CONFESSION:I Slept With My Father And Now Am Jealous Of My MUM.I Still Want To Do It Again.

I slept with my father and Now am jealous of my MUM. I Still want to do it again

My name is Nikky from New York, United States of America. I have a really big problem am addicted to $ex with my biological dad.

I have tried having $ex with other men but it is just impossible dad is the best.

It all started when I was 17 years old and my mother had left me under the care of my father for a whole weekend.

I used to hear my mother scream in bed while my father had $ex with her and I was always curious what really

He was so lovin happened. On that night my father claimed he was lonely and requested me to sleep with him.

He did not have $ex with me on that night instead he cuddled me and touched my cllitorris and licked it really good.

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