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City Women Narrate Their Experiences With Parasite Bad-Boys


City women have been sharing their love experiences with bad boys who took advantage of them before the relationships ended in nasty break ups.
The women in a popular marriage Facebook group wrote of how some men left them with huge debts incurred on their behalf in the name of love.
One wrote; “Am 32, at 23 I dated a man, he would come to my bedsitter unannounced, (he had the key), eat food ya jana nikiwa job and off he goes ama he would come at around 10 pm when the food is ready, eats and sleep He would even come during the day nikiwa job, (I was a receptionist and he had his small business) apike kanyama na kaugali he never came to my house with any shopping and would come eat my food and eat me! We dated for 4 month…I tried to talk to him but he would hear non I changed the padlock and moved to my mom for 2 weeks, hivyo ndio tuliachana.”
Another narrated; “Waah I dated one for 8 good months ,was caring and somehow foolish coz wherever he could ask for money or something for his family I could offer him not knowing he was fooling me eeiiish sometimes life is so unfair after some months I realised the man I loved has another woman reason because I refused to give him some cash nkt. I felt so bad but being strong I learnt to let things be…later I heard from his friends that he married a ugly broke woman sijui if bado wanakuwaga pamoja or not but I learnt a lesson!”
A woman wrote; “I have had two, but the famous one made me eat my college fees money and 😂😂😂😂😂😂 but I recovered wallahi that one made me know Kibera huko ndani I even tasted Chang’aa kwa mama pima 😂😂😂😂😂 but tulikosana juu akivuta bangi zake he would way lay me nikitoka job(and the way I had a kaposition)and chase me all over Nairob weuh one day he chased me akanishika akanibeba kama nyama hadi stage I had enough of him, I moved to Nyeri changed my number and life continued,I met him again afew years ago he did the same thing oooooi.”
Another narrated; “I dated these kind of men also, he would come to my house…A one bedroom, carrying nothing. Eat my food, drink my water and juice then eat me. I was a virgin back then. He managed to take my virginity. He would lie of how busy he was, how he could only get time at night kumbe…Little did I know…Months later I was done. But was grateful to him for opening a way for other good men.”
Another wrote; “I paid rent for one, bought food n almost did everything only to be branded a whoe with that insecure man in the name of husband. Niligoja nyumba ifungwe nikamwacha ka jana till now he regrets calling me names.”
Another narrated; “My baby daddy…I wish him death!! My story is too long! I can barely type. All o remember when the Dandora sect came to my home in Huruma and told me, mama kaa kando usimwagikiwe na damu, I remember shouting he is a born again and we had met in katoloni (prayer centre) one told me for the sake of your baby you are carrying walk away… I called my aunt, she is well connected akaita mapolisi they came and he was taken, kumbe he was a gang leader mahali and the deal had gone sour…I was 8 months paged, damu ikavunja juu ya shock was rushed to hosi. Thank God my baby came safely. It’s true dickimatization is real…to add to that he was a kisii, he used to eat even the poverty away. I loved him like silly, for the first time in my life nikajua slums tena lived near the dandora dumpsite. I couldn’t see anything wrong, mama warned me but I couldn’t resist his cj.”

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