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Celebrations erupt outside court as Obado is released

Migori governor Okoth Obado arrives at the Milimani law courts on Wednesday, October 24, 2018. /COLLINS KWEYU

Songs erupted outside Milimani law courts on Wednesday after Migori governor Okoth Obado was released on Sh5 million cash bail.

Obado's supporters danced and shook hands with smiles written all over their faces.

They carried shirts branded with Obado's picture as they waited for their leader to come out of the court.

As they celebrate their governor's release, the family of the Rongo University student Sharon Otieno still remains in pain over the ruling.

The High Court judge Jessie Lessit ordered Obado to deposit his travel documents including his passport before he is released.

Obado is facing two murder charges alongside his personal assistant Michael Oyamo and county Clerk Caspal Obiero.

The second charge is that of killing Sharon’s unborn child.
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