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Angry Uhuru Calls State Officials Fools

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday blurted out an angry remark against bosses of government agencies who had threatened to pull out of Huduma Centres.

Expressing his strong opposition to the threat, the president accused the agency heads of plotting to abet corrupt practices.

The tough-talking president emphasised that all constitutional commissions and independent offices are also required to strictly adhere to official government regulations.

"We know what those fools have planned and its to return their services to dark rooms where bribery and corruption will thrive.

"But it won't happen, the services will remain at Huduma. It is the public servants who will be replaced," President Kenyatta threatened.

Uhuru noted that some of the heads of the constitutional offices and independent bodies had confused their autonomy for a get away free card to disobey executive orders.

The angry president assured the bosses that their cluster of independent bodies and constitutional offices had no chance of becoming the fourth arm of government asking the public servants to "toe the line" on government regulations.

"Security of tenure of office cannot be used as the grounds to prevent accountability or scrutiny by holders who only hold those positions in trust for Kenyans," he stated.

The president's strong statements were issued in Meru County where he officially opened the 7th Annual Forum of Constitutional Bodies and Independent Offices.

DISCLAIMER :The Views, Thoughts, And Opinions Expressed In This Article Belong Solely To Kenyans, And Not Necessarily To The Author’s Employer, Organization, Committee or The Evening Post

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