If you’re reading this list, the first thing you need is a hug. The second thing is you need to know that this list will not help you if you aren’t sure about your own strengths. Getting over an ex is no walk in the park. You’ve invested your time, your emotions and it would be a mockery of your feelings if you were to walk out of it just fine. But then again it would be a mockery to being human if you weren’t able to move on. That being said, here is a list of the best ways to get over your ex:
We know you’ve invested in them so much they’re practically the sun in your sky. But all that has got to change now. Love is devotion and true love dictates that one puts the other first but even though you’re shaking your head, sadly, you forget that they didn’t do that for you; and anyone who doesn’t realize that? They ain’t worth your tears!
Social Media is a blessing to the stalker. You can spy on anyone without them being ever the wiser! However, the thing is, it also causes a great deal of pain when you stalk someone who is no longer close to you. Stop stalking and give your blood pump a break. No one is worth that sort of heart-ache.
If you still have their stuff lying around, you’re going to be constantly reminded about them. Everything will be tainted with their presence and this will slowly drive you to madness! (Or sadness) Hence, the best thing to do is to put all their sorry remains in a box and either donate it to charity or just throw it away. Remember the saying – “Out of sight – out of mind”.
This is the time when you probably think that the last thing you want to do is go visit your friends. But trust us. It helps. Go out with your friends and have fun! Even if you cry the first time, the second time you do it, the therapeutic effects will start to kick in and you’ll start enjoying yourself more. Who knows? You might meet the person of your dreams!
The last step is the simplest. If you’ve survived through the first 2 weeks, we have news for you: you’ve got over the worst! The world is still spinning, the birds are still singing, there’s a new fashion show happening and the only thing you’re achieving by sulking is: nothing.
No matter how special your ex was, they weren’t right for you. If they were, you’d still be together. Now that you know that, the next step is to be your own best friend. Treat yourself kindly. Treat yourself like you want to be treated and want to treat someone else. Gain a new talent, start a new hobby, pamper yourself. Be delicate and most of all, forget those who hurt you so that you can make way for the next big thing in your life.