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Kamati ya roho chafu! Diamond’s mum unfollows lover for defending Tanasha

When Tanasha Donna decided to leave Diamond and his cheating ways, his mother Sandra Sanura tried to stop her.
Tanzanian blogs claim that Sandra insisted that Tanasha leaves behind her son, Naseeb Junior.

Tanasha DonnaTanasha refused.
There was a pull and push between Tanasha and her mother-in-law.
This eventually saw Mama Dangote’s bae turned hubby Uncle Shamte stepped in and ask her to let Tanasha be.
A huge argument ensued.
Uncle Shamte called out Sandra saying she cannot just bully Tanasha because her family is not there to defend her.
Sources in Tanzania reveal that, the argument was so heated that now, Sandra has unfollowed her young husband on Instagram.
However, Tanasha still follows Uncle Shamte, seems he is the only one from the Dangote clan that had her back.
Tanasha following her father-in-law

However, Tanasha doesn’t follow her ex-mother-in-law on the social media networking site.
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