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“Coronavirus is a curse from God to Single mothers” Rev Githu reveals prophecy

Kenya’s youngest Reverend now says the new pneumonia-like illness called the 2019-nCoV, or Wuhan Coronavirus is God’s direct curse to single mothers all over the world.

“The disease is a result of moral issue and a punishment for disobeying the creator’s command, marriage and submissiveness ,” The 10 year old Reverend remembers.

“There is always a supreme being whom we can seek for His help (Revelation 12:13-17). God will hear and forgive single mothers who will swallow their pride and repent for violating marriage rules.It is not right to deny your children an earthly god in the name of a father figure just to prove a point. The wrath of the Lord will not spare those who will not repent.”

The Scriptures reveal that, whether the Wuhan Coronavirus fizzles out or not, the gains against disease that mankind has made in recent generations will soon be lost. The pale horseman is not finished riding. But each person could have some say as to whether he or she will be in his path or not.

The illness is named after the central Chinese city of Wuhan where it originated and after the halo- or corona-like shape of the microorganism.

Experts say Wuhan is milder than other illnesses in the coronavirus family, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (mers). But it is still deadly dangerous: As of Thursday morning, the official number of dead as a result of the virus stood at 170. And authorities expect the numbers of infected and dead to continue to mushroom.
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