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“I fired Waititu at the comfort of my desk. I will send other two governors home”~ Pastor Ng’ang’a

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On Friday 31st January, 2020, Kiambu residents received a new Governor after Ferdinand Waititu was impeached.

Dr James Nyoro, who has been the deputy governor, was sworn in to replace Waititu. This is after Senate voted to send the former Governor home on grounds of gross misconduct and abuse of office.

Pastor Ng’ang’a of Neno Evangelism centre has now come out to claim that he played a very big role in sending the governor out of office.

Speaking during a prayer meeting on friday evening, Ng’ang’a claimed that he is now in full power and is firing all corrupt and ineffective government officials.

“Towards the end of 2019, I told you that I am going to take charge. I will be sending them home one by one. Where is Waititu now? Si ako nyumbani?” asked Ng’ang’a as the congregation celebrated.

Ng’ang’a further claimed that Waititu was just the beginning as he had lined up two other Governors for dismissal.

“Na si yeye pekee yake. Niko na barua zingine mbili za magavana nitapeleka nyumbani. I will fire them” (And it isn’t just him ( Waititu), I have other two dismissal letters for Governors I am sending home).

He however didn’t give further details on the indentity of the two Governors on his radar

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