Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi on Wednesday morning, January 22, claimed that Deputy President William Ruto made a phone call to Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi and Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula, ahead of the BBI meeting on Saturday, January 18.
Speaking during an interview at Kass FM, Sudi alleged that the DP called the duo and urged them to attend the meeting in support of the BBI report.
"Raila's plan was to paint both Mudavadi and Wetangula as leaders who are opposed to supporting the BBI. Hence, the DP called them and asked them to attend the meeting.
"The ODM leader was not happy because the two showed up and hence, his plan had failed," he stated.
During the meeting that took place at Bukhungu Stadium in Kakamega, Mudavadi stated that he was not against the BBI report.
Further, he warned his political competitors against misinforming Kenyans on his stand.
On Friday, January 17, however, sources who talked to Daily Nation stated that President Uhuru Kenyatta made a phonecall to Mudavadi and convinced him to attend the forum.
"Mudavadi explained his misgivings that the meeting had been turned into a decoy for promotion of political interests as opposed to BBI ideals.
"But the president told him he needed his support," a source identified as a former MP close to Uhuru was quoted by the publication.
After Mudavadi was convinced, the ANC leader was reportedly tasked with getting Wetangula on board.
On Wednesday, January 22, ODM communications director Philip Etale wondered who between the president and his deputy had convinced the two leaders to attend the meetings, following the contrasting narratives.
"Who between H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta and DP. William Ruto rang my leaders from Western to attend the BBI meeting at Bukhungu Stadium last Saturday?
"According to Hon. Oscar Sudi on KASS FM today morning, the DP is the one who rang the two leaders and asked them to attend the meeting. Okay, only Kalenjin people listen to KASS FM...," he wrote on his social media pages.