A secret love affair between a Christian school teacher and his female student was brought to light after photos of them having “good time” leaked to the public.
The teacher in the Zimbabwean school who has been identified as Tsumbirani Mabanga was spotted kissing and caressing his to-be student igniting uproar from netizens.

Netizens called the teacher out claiming he had committed something close to a rape considering the student is a minor some even demanding that he be arrested and charged for sexual abuse.

The teacher confirmed to be running after the girl saying they became an item after she cleared her schooling.
“It is true that I’m dating the girl but she is above 18 but not 15 as some of you guys say. I didn’t date the girl at school but after she was done with school. I don’t know who leaked the photos and don’t know what their motive was. If I’m guilty then I would have been arrested by the police soon after the photos were out,” Mabanga said.
“It is true that I’m dating the girl but she is above 18 but not 15 as some of you guys say. I didn’t date the girl at school but after she was done with school. I don’t know who leaked the photos and don’t know what their motive was. If I’m guilty then I would have been arrested by the police soon after the photos were out,” Mabanga said.

The teacher on admitting the affair with the girl got fired by the school’s management who said the gesture by Mabanga was against the school’s code of conduct. The management added Mr. Mabanga had grossly violated the ethics of a teacher and they would thus not allow him to serve.