An online thread exposed the rot in Kenyan county offices. Female interns are forced to exchange their ‘nunu’ for favourable recommendations.
Internship in Kenya is mostly for graduates fresh from University. They often fall prey to predatory bosses in exchange for full employment. Interns always seek for favourable recommendations or referrals in a bid to guarantee them employment.
A twitter user by the name @BravinYuri ran a thread exposing the immorality in Kenyan offices. His followers shared with him their past experiences.
The expose’ highlighted how bosses use their capacities to propel their sexual advances. County offices have numerously flocked news headlines with such cases before.
Kisii county was on the spot for having thirsty senior employees. An anonymous account reported how her friend had to give her body for a recommendation letter.

Another anonymous account revealed how Kenyan interns suffer in the hands of lustful bosses.

Communications Commission Of Kenya(CCK) was among the organizations dealt a blow.

Next in line was Trans Nzoia county. The county was reported to have immoral senior employees. Bosses take advantage of desperate attachees and job-seekers.

There is, however, an account that blamed Kenyan ladies for being loose. The anonymous person narrated how Kenyans in a Middle East company cheaply give in.