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US Issues Flight Advisory Over Possible Air Attack In Kenyan Airspace

US airliners have been put on high alert while flying on Kenyan soil over possible attacks by extremists.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) says that extremists could be planning an attack in the Kenyan airspace between now and February 26, 2020, when the advisory will be reviewed.

“Those persons are advised to exercise caution when flying into, out of, within, or over the territory and airspace of Kenya East of 40 degrees East longitude at altitudes below fl260 due to the possibility of extremist/militant activity,” said FAA

The body says aircraft may encounter various anti-aircraft weapons, including manpads, small-arms, and indirect fire weapons such as mortars and rockets, which could target aircraft at low altitudes, including during the arrival and departure phases of flight and/or target airports and aircraft on the ground.

The advisory could see reduced flight traffic in the Kenyan airspace, which in turn will affect foreign trade such as tourism which is one of the main foreign exchange earner.

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