Couples who have stuck together for long often do so with special tweaks to their relationship/marriage.
Apart from all the relationship ideals everyone already knows - love, trust, communication, etc - happy, long-term couples have little tricks up their sleeves to make their relationship special and operate more smoothly.
Below are six useful ones you can beautify your relationship with.
1. Never plan without the other
It does not make sense to make plans that involve your boo without first consulting him or her.
You don’t want to make plans on a prediction that’d turn out untrue and put them in an unfavourable position of either cancelling an earlier plan just to go with your insensitive plan; or to refuse to partake in it and look like an unappreciative partner.
In any case, it’s always better to avoid these scenarios.
2. Let the past be the past
No one loves to be reminded of past errors for which they have been made to feel bad already, and for which they already apologised.
If it’s gone, leave it there in the past. There’s no point dredging past occurrences to fill present issues with more negative energy.
3. Afternoon sex
Especially with kids in the picture and all the tiring, exhausting duties you’d need to keep a watch on them.
Your sex lifewill need a lot on creative improvisation if the spark is to remain alive, and quick afternoon sex here symbolizes that.
4. Scheduling sex
At some point, this may become the only real option you have to keep that part of the marriage on point.
And you absolutely should.
5. Don’t watch shared shows alone
Just don’t do it, no matter how tempting.
It may be difficult to find a show that you both love. So when you find one, make sure to use every single episode as a bonding tool with the love of your life.
In essence, treasure and make the best of every moment you share with your spouse. It really does get to a stage where there wouldn’t be much of it except by deliberate effort.
6. Get away
A little weekend getaway every now and then does not hurt. What’s brilliant about this is that you do not even need to go too far. All you need is just an avenue away from the kids, your job, the non-stop grinding and all that.
Go someplace and enjoy your boo’s uninterrupted presence and company for two days... or more!