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Man drinks himself to death in chang’aa-drinking competition – VIDEO


A 37-year-old man from Matayos in Busia County died on Wednesday shortly after winning a chang’aa-drinking competition.

Michael Ouma drunk three glasses of chang’aa in quick succession and passed out shortly thereafter.

He emerged first ahead of five other competitors, but his ‘victory’ came at a very expensive cost – the loss of his life.

Eyewitnesses say the deceased man drunk the illicit brew one glass after the other non-stop.

According to the deceased’s mother, Jackline Nabwire, her son left home on Wednesday morning to meet his friends at one of the drinking dens in Matayos.

“My son had a drinking problem. He drank three glasses continuously,” said Nabwire.

Ouma was pronounced dead on arrival at a Busia hospital.

An autopsy will be conducted to ascertain the cause of the death but doctors suspect he succumbed to dehydration.

His body was taken to Sega Mission Hospital Mortuary.

Two of Ouma’s drinking buddies were rushed to hospital but are currently back on their feet’s.

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