Willy Paul is balling! Balling like some of Africa’s most famous musicians like Diamond and Davido (I stretched that last one a bit, I know).
The singer has been on a high this year with his chart-topping single, ‘Haleluiya’ ruling the Kenyan and East African billboard. This success has obviously come with numerous gigs for the artiste.

According to one famous MC, the singer has reached another level that he even paid him Ksh. 400 thousand because he met him.

The MC shared the anecdote below on his Instagram page;
The other day I received a call from Kenya’s No 1 artist @willy.paul.msafi telling me he wanted to see me urgently..I asked Pozee WhatsApp!! He told me he urgently needed to see me! Ok! He asked me when are you free? I told him I am never free I Make time? So he asked me when I can I make time !! To sound busy I told him next week on Thursday! That’s today…so Pozee called me today asking me if our meeting is on..I told him yes we are on ..I asked him where we are meeting, Sankara rooftop private lounge..Pozee unajua huko? Hehehe…so I make my way to Sankara…I meet pozee with 7 pumped guys..his security and a few boys and four very beautiful ladies..

So iask him..Mwana mkunaji how can I help you? Before I speak Pozee pushes 400k Kenya shillings my way in cash telling me that’s for accepting to meet me..OK….So pozee tells me he wants me to he his official Mc…Apparently he has like 29 Gigs line up and he is heavily booked in the whole continent.. he has a gig in S A, Nigeria, 4 in Tz , 7 In Uganda and several in Kenya…busy schedule and apparently he has said he travels with his PA Photographer , 14 Dancers, His Mc and his designer…wee..I tell him am ok with it but since Iam a busy person he has to tell me the dates…He asked me how much I will charge him..I told him Heavy j baba is not cheap..he cuts a page from his cheque book and tells me to write my cost….This boy has arrived!! Boss Pozee Iam at your service!!#OfficialPozeeMC
Thanks for the job bro!! I do my best!!

It is rumoured that Nyashinki is paid 1 million shillings for a performance. Do you think Willy is now on that level?