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Video of Kanze Dena's Amazing Dancing Skills Live on Air

State House Spokesperson, Kanze Dena, broke into song and dance during an interview on Radio Maisha on Monday.

Once the popular hit song by Tanzanian star, Nandy, went on air, Kanze couldn't help it as she got down to the beat alongside host Billy and MCA Tricky.

Kanze impressed not only with her array of amazing dance moves but her singing too, as she was belting out the love song word for word.

Speaking to Kenyans.co.ke, Kanze disclosed that the Nandy hitsong was in the list of her all-time favourites.

Kanze had made an appearance at the station to allay recent fears that President Uhuru Kenyatta was missing since he returned from his trip to China.

“I get surprised when people say that the president has gone missing in action. President Kenyatta has been in his office tackling various state issues as well as taking time to meditate," she remarked.
Kanze, however, affirmed that there has been some oversight in communication from her office and apologized for the error.

She went on to disclose that her office would rectify past mistakes by being open and forthright in their future communications so as to avoid similar scenarios.

Kanze re-emphasized that President Uhuru didn't have to always be in the limelight to prove that he was actually busy working.

“The President is around, it doesn’t mean that because he is not seen in public he is not there, he has an office where he goes every day to work,” she remarked.

He added that he had met with executives of the Global Fund recently among other executive meetings.

President Uhuru was finally spotted on Monday at State House, Nairobi, as he signed into law the Health Laws (Amendment) Bill of 2018 and the Assumption of the Office of County Governor Bill.

Here is the video of Kanze Dena breaking dancing during an interview:

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