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Uhuru Surprises Mjengo Workers, Leaves Them in Stitches [VIDEO]

Construction workers of the affordable housing project at Park Road, Ngara were surprised when President Uhuru Kenyatta made an impromptu visit to the site.

During the unexpected tour, he stated that the Park Road project was the first and its success would dictate how others would be executed in other parts of the country.

In his address, he jokingly reminded the labourers not to forget to register for Huduma Namba.

"Na msisahau kuchukua (Don't forget to register for) Huduma Namba," after which they burst out in laughter. "Ama mnataka niwaletee hapa (Or should I bring the registration clerks here)?" he asked, to which they responded in the affirmative.

The president then directed Nairobi Regional Commander Jackson Tumwe to organise for registration clerks to be sent to the site on Thursday.

Uhuru assured that his affordable housing project would provide employment to many Kenyans.

The first phase of 228 housing units is expected to be ready for occupation by September 2019.

Earlier in the day, President Kenyatta launched a new company, Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company, that will be tasked with overseeing his government's Ksh2 Trillion Affordable Housing project.

The company will provide fixed rate long-term funding to primary mortgage lenders, which will be passed on to home buyers.

“Fixed rate mortgages would protect homeowners from the risk of interest rate volatility, hence allowing them to be in control of their monthly commitments and afford their homes,” announced the president.

Watch President Kenyatta's funny moment with the construction workers below.

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