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Mary Muturi, a Laikipia Businesswoman found dead in her house with ksh 300k placed beside her.

Another woman has been killed!

Mary Muturi was a successful businesswoman in Laikipia County. Her body was found dead in her home at least 3 days after she was murdered.

According to her friends, she was not answering her phone for some time and then it went off. They decided to go to her house to try and find out what was happening to their friend. They apparently found the main door locked so they had to break in.

Her lifeless body was found in a messy and bloody bed. There was also a lot of cash beside her lifeless body.

It is alleged that she might have been hit with a blunt object and later strangled.
Mary Muturi found dead
According to her neighbours, they last saw her when she was dropped off by a taxi driver.

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