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Kibra Mp Kenneth Okoth’s photos with Esther Passaris excites Kenyans

Kenneth Okoth with Esther Passaris in Paris

Kibra MP Kenneth Okoth is a man with a story that inspires many Kenyans. The 41-year-old MP has been battling colorectal cancer for some time but is still putting on a brave face and still working for his constituents.
kenneth okoth mp kibra really sick
kenneth okoth mp kibra really sick
A recent photo of his in Paris, France has elicited a lot of joy from Kenyans. From the photo in question, one can see the Eiffel Tower in the background, as he, Esther Passaris, and an unidentified white woman pose together.
Kenneth Okoth with Esther Passaris in Paris
Kenneth Okoth with Esther Passaris in Paris
The photos were posted on the Nairobi Women’s representative’s Twitter page. Her caption read:
Greetings from Hon. okothkenneth and his lovely wife Monica. Thank you Mheshimiwa for making time for my visit today. I know you can’t wait to return and get back in the saddle. We are all praying and rooting for you!
Some of the supportive comments for the late-night Sunday post are below,
Allin: @okothkenneth you are looking healthier. God answers prayer. Believe.
George Morara: Thanks Hon. Passaris for making time to visit the Okoths….We can’t wait to see you back home soon Hon. Okoth
Brighton McOdhiambo: My favourite MP, May he get well soon.
Lentoijoni Hussein: Quick recovery to the super MP. Get well soon.
Moris Ojiambo: I wish you quick recovery mheshimiwa.
Akinyi Muyundo: He is getting better and we are praying for you mheshima.
Edgar Okari Masaki: Quick recovery Mheshimiwa you are in my prayers
Jacktone Otieno: He looks better. We pray for his complete healing. Kenya needs his exemplary leadership.
Kenneth Okoth has been battling cororectal cancer
Kenneth Okoth has been battling colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer (CRC), also known as bowel cancer and colon cancer, is the development of cancer from the colon or rectum (parts of the large intestine). A cancer is the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body.

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