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Facebook Lover Confesses to Killing Prison Warder on First Date

A suspect in Pauline Wangari's brutal murder has confessed to killing the 24-year-old prison warder while under the influence of bhang.

The suspect, Joseph Ochieng told the DCI officers in Murang'a that the murder occurred after the two met for the first time. He noted that they had known each other on Facebook for a while before they decided to meet.

Ochieng cited that May 13, 2019, was the first time the two met after Wangari invited him over to Murang'a at her rental house.

The suspect is reported to have strangled Wangari after which she fell down and he thought he had killed her.

"Sent into panic mode following the development, the suspect said he reached for a kitchen knife and stabbed her in the chest, neck and abdomen, and, thereafter, put the knife firmly in her grip in a bid to make it look like Wangari had killed herself,” cited the DCI officer.

NTV reports that the suspect was arrested in a roadblock placed in Kipsitet area in Kericho County while on his way to Kisumu.
He was in the company of a man, Rogers Namukura and a woman, Mary Amollo Olisa when he was arrested. The two were also arrested and arraigned in court on Friday.

Joseph Ochieng (L), Rogers Namukura and Mary Amollo Olisa (R) in court on May 17, 2019

Reports by Citizen Digital indicated that the two appeared before Murang'a Resident Magistrate Sheila Nyaga on Friday. Namukura cited that Ochieng had approached him on Tuesday and tried to convince him in buying a TV, which he declined to purchase.

Amollo, on the other hand, cited that she is Ochieng's cousin and that he had requested to travel in her vehicle which she allowed, not knowing that he was a murder suspect.

Led by DCI Phoebe Okumu, detectives requested to be granted 14 days to conclude investigations which resident magistrate Sheila Nyaga agreed to.

Ms Wangari's boyfriend, Peterson Njiru, who was arrested in connection to the murder on Thursday, has since been released.

Image of Pauline Wangari's alleged boyfriend, Peterson Njiru on 16/5/19
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