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Drama as Matatu Driver Abducts Traffic Officer

A traffic officer stationed in Mombasa evening survived a frightening ordeal as a matatu driver took her on a wild ride on Tuesday evening.

The police report shared by The Standard indicated that the officer had boarded the matatu after flagging it for a traffic offence and instructed the driver to make his way to the Likoni Police Station in Mombasa.

However, the driver had other ideas. He pretended to be turning into the police station before speeding off towards Ukunda.

The visibly frightened cop was reportedly seen flailing her arms through the car window in an effort to alert passersby of her ordeal.

Her efforts proved ineffective as the driver snaked his way towards Ukunda at frightening speeds, forcing the officer to result in texting her colleagues to come to her aid.

Officers from her precinct soon got word of her precarious situation and mobilized various roadblocks along the busy road.

It reportedly took the combined effort of the police roadblocks as well as boda boda operators to finally bring the vehicle to a halt and rescue the rattled officer.

The news of her kidnapping spread on social media across the coastal town, prompting ordinary civilians to put out furniture and other obstacles on the road in a bid to rescue the trapped officer.

Likoni's Sub-County Police Commanders (SCPC), Benjamin Rotich confirmed the incident and stated that he was yet to receive a full report of the dramatic incident.

However, he noted that initial reports revealed the driver, who was in custody, had been flagged down for obstructing traffic at the Likoni ferry crossing point before he took off on his mazy run.

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