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City Billionaire Dies in Nairobi

Former Attorney-General Charles Njonjo (l) converses with businessman Jeremiah Kiereini at a past event FILE

The former Head of Civil Service and Secretary to the Cabinet, Jeremiah Kiereini, has passed on.

Confirming the reports, sources close to the family divulged that he died at his home but withheld information regarding the cause of his death

The former public service boss who has died at the age of 90 was renown for being the closest Kikuyu to president Moi at a period when the former president was allegedly cracking his whip on the Mount Kenya Mafia.

He was also the former head at East African Breweries Limited (EABL).

A self-published author, the city billionaire's biography titled A Daunting Journey was a book of disclosures. It was his sort of personal search for closure in which he told a story muted by fierce loyalties and unclear allegiances; a story told by a man who came of age in a time of upheavals and strict moral codes
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