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5 traumatic secondary school memories you will never forget


If ever you were in boarding school, you are most likely to have experienced canning. There is no pain such as this one. Eventually the Government banned it saying corporal punishment did more harm than good.
But it’s ok if you don’t perhaps you would rather it remains in the farthest part of your memory?
Here are some of my worst school memories in no particular order:
Appearing in noise making list
If you had beef with the prefect, then life was hell for you.
The problem with the teachers was that once you appeared there there is no way you would convince them that you were not especially if the prefect says you were. This prefects made high school life hard for many.
Failing exams
There are some subjects that were naturally hard to understand like mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry. And why is it that teacher teaching these subjects  had strict teachers? During the exams period they used to set pass marks that you were to attain. Once the results were out it was the worst especially if you did not get the pass mark that was set or if you failed something that was taught in class before. The punishment was not favorable there after.

Disciplinary committee
This was the last panel any student would want to face. The teachers chosen for the panel used to be the most feared in the school. This was normally after you had resumed from suspicion then you are escorted by your parents. At this point all the crimes that you had committed are tabled and even your parent is lured into punishing you too. Then after the case if you are told to lie down you could feel like dying because of what was awaiting you.

Suspension from school
The problem with this was not even the suspension, but how you were going to face your parents especially if your parents were strict about education. Then you were going to miss a lot in school including the exams meaning that your grade will drop.
This was the worst especially if you are being punished for what you did not commit. The worst is if you started a week with one. There used to be a belief that if you are punished on a Monday then the whole week was to be your punishment week. Some punishments were hard such as digging holes, splitting firewood, that could make you feel like sneaking away from school.
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