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Usigongwe; 9 places to buy things at the best bargain in Nairobi

​Usigongwe; 9 places to buy things at the best bargain in Nairobi

he cost of living in Kenya is ever escalating in a manner that does not in any way match the rise in incomes.
The trick, however, is to ensure that you get value for money when buying every item or service.
The Evening Post has researched on places where you get the best bargain when shopping. In these places, you not only get value for money, but you get to save some money and hence boost your savings account.
1. Cereals and Fruits
Buy cereals at Nyamakima in the the lane used by Molo Line matatus. Here you will get products ranging from beans, maize, french beans, among others. Fruits such as apples, oranges, and grapes are also available at discounted prices.
2. Bulk shopping
If you are one of those who prefer doing shopping in bulk, visit Kawangware or Eastleigh.
In Kawangare, the stretch that connects Naivasha road to Gitanga road has numerous stores including supermarkets and vibandas where you will get all manner of goods ranging from pishori rice, fruits, flip flops, to boxers - all at the lowest possible prices. Carry a list and get a KYM guy to assist you carry your belongings.
In Eastleigh, as you walk towards the Catholic Church or if you are coming from Pangani, just after you take the right turn to enter Eastleigh, you will see the Marie Stopes sign board, the shops start there. Here you will get beds, mattresses, food spices, plastic seats, duvets, carpets, etc.
3. Beauty products and jewellery
Dubois Road in Nairobi CBD has all that you need to improve your look. From make-up kits to sunglasses, hats, nail polish, rings and necklaces, watches. All at around half the price you will get in uptown Nairobi.
4. Vegetables
You will not go wrong with Marikiti and Gikomba. Here you will get a huge bunch of spinach, Sukuma wiki, managu, and terere at between ten and twenty shillings. Fresh tomatoes, zucchini (courgetti), carrots, peas, potatoes and onions also available at costs you will never get at your estate kibanda.
For beef, there is Ndonyo Market Dagoretti where you will get a kilo for Sh280. If you are in Eastlands, go to Burma market along Jogoo road and get beef for as low as200 a kilo.
For mbuzi, Ndunyu market is also recommended as well as Kiamaiko along Outering Road.
Fish, Enterprise Road, you’ll get 40 pieces of tilapia @Sh1700. Gikomba is also ideal for affordable fish. Ask for fishmongers at the entrance of Gikomba market.
Also, in Gikomba, there are lots of kienyeji chicken on the right side of the market as you enter the market through the entrance bordering Muthurwa.
6. Utensils
Kamukunji market near Machakos Bus Station, on the left side of the road heading heading to Gikomba.
You will get cooking dishes, sufurias, plastic utensils, thermos flasks, water storage tanks, etc.
7. Clothes
Second hand clothes in Muthurwa and Gikomba market. In CBD, get shoes at the stalls near Bus Station for as low as Sh300. Kid’s clothes visit Toi market while Eastleigh is the best place for new clothes, they have all the latest fashion choices.

Vitenges can be found in Eastleigh’s Kitenge House where numerous stalls specialize in this African wear. In CBD, go to Nairobi Textile upstairs stalls.

8. Electronics
Luthuli avenue has the best deals when it comes to electronics. There are numerous stalls from the entrance facing Kenya Archives, all the way down to the junction with River Road.
For sound and CCTV equipment, try out the stores at Munyu Road.
9. Data and voice packages
In this era of the internet, data bundles have become a necessity and account for a big percentage of our expenditure.
To ensure you get value for money, join the Airtel network and get amazing discounts when purchasing data and paying for calls and smses.
For instance, Sh99 will get you a 2GB daily bundle that comes with free WhatsApp.
The monthly bundles range from Sh300 for 1.5 GB to Sh3000 for the 40GB package – also with free WhatsApp.
What is more, Airtel offers the Tubonge subscription that allows you to make Airtel to Airtel calls at no extra charge and a preferential rate of 2.3 shillings to call other networks.
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