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PHOTOS: NEMA displays bags you should use from now henceforth


The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) on Tuesday displayed the bags Kenyans should use whenever they go shopping.

NEMA boss Prof Geoffrey Wahungu warned against the use of non-woven bags and was on hand to display woven bags that should be used from now henceforth.

He further urged Kenyans to adopt the use of locally made approved alternatives to promote the local packaging industry.

Those found with plastic bags are set to be arrested and crackdowns will start soon.

“The penalties are equal to those of banned plastic bags. We are not going to tell them our strategies; that today we will raid Mombasa, Nairobi or Nakuru.

“To be clear, from today, non-woven bags are contraband and people will be arrested,” warned Wahungu.

Adding: “We are just implementing a ban that came into effect in 2017; this is not a new order. Those selling and manufacturing the materials should cease or the law shall take its course.”

Kenyans online were quick to weigh in on the matter and while some were willing to get the woven bags, most men had an issue with carrying the ‘Kiondos’ (handwoven handbags made from sisal with leather trimmings) whenever they go shopping.

Muthurih Kinyu: I'm a man..and I will proudly carry a wooven bag..not necessarily Kiondo, other alternatives will emerge form bamboo to banana....to ensure a clean environment and incomes for productive folk.

Fridah Nashpae: And DG is confidently lifting it? Like he cud carry it. How many are they in the market currently? Shd we carry them to and from work? What abt our brothers. Shd they be Carrying this to? Good for large amt of shopping but wht abt small shopping? Who advises you? Kuweni serious

Tim Kemboi: So nibebane na Kiondo nikienda supermarket?

Martin Njau: This will be challenged in Court very very soon. What will African man carry? A kiondo or plastic which is still not degradable? Better the non woven bags 100 times than these. This is to enrich few,Kenya no longer produce sisal for ciond

(Non-woven bags that have been banned)
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