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Nominated IG Hillary Mutyambai Gets Nod From Parliament


Members of parliament have approved the nomination of Hillary Mutyambai as the new Inspector General of police.

The intelligence officer replaces Joseph Boinnet who is set to take up a Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) role in the Ministry of Tourism.

 The legislators urged him to prioritize ending extrajudicial killings.

Mutyambai said he will tame rogue police officers and perpetrators of extrajudicial killings.

“I will be practical in dealing with this. Many have come before me, found corruption and other vices within the service, and left. I will make a difference through leadership by integrity,” he told the lawmakers.

He also pledged to work closely with the Independent Police Oversight Authority (Ipoa) and the Internal Affairs Unit to help identify the rogue officers.

Mutyambai promised to ensure full implementation of the National Police Management system and transform every police station into a service centre.

“I will engage the National Police Service Commission (NPSC) and Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to review the rates for house allowance for police,” he said.
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