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Man allegedly stabs to death ex-wife’s lover

Kirinyaga: Man allegedly stabs to death ex-wife's lover

Panic gripped a section of residents from Kirinyaga County after a man was stabbed to death for allegedly having an affair with someone’s ex-wife.

Simon Gitari, 40, reportedly killed Simon Muriithi, 45, on Tuesday evening in Kamucege village at the Mwea Irrigation Scheme.

It is said that Gitari was incensed because the deceased and his ex-wife Josphine Wawira, 37, were apparently in a relationship.

Wawira told Citizen Digital that she and her former husband had been separated for seven years.

They have two children.

According to Wawira, her ex-husband entered her rented house and demanded to know why Muriithi was visiting her.

In a fit of rage, he somehow managed to find a kitchen knife and stab Muriithi to death.

Wawira said she began screaming and her neighbours appeared but the former husband had already escaped.

Mwea East Deputy County Commissioner Edwin Chabari said police are looking for the suspect
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