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‘I’m afraid’ DK Kwenye Beat’s fiancée makes her first come back statement on social media

Shanice Wangechi and DK Kwenye Beat

DK Kwenye Beat’s fiancée Shanice Wangechi has spoken up for the first time after going MIA for months.
The celebrity’s girlfriend hit the headlines when her gospel singer boyfriend David Kilonzo was caught in an alleged s3x scandal with a college girl.
Shanice Wangechi and DK Kwenye Beat
Shanice Wangechi and DK Kwenye Beat
Social media was too much to handle she decided to quit by deleting her Instagram account.
Before the story broke out, DK’s fiancée had been active, but Kenyans on Twitter (KOT) might have pushed her to the edge.
Well, she is back now and her first task is to lose weight.
Shanice Wangechi and DK Kwenye Beat
Shanice Wangechi and DK Kwenye Beat
She wrote on Instagram that:
Dk kwenye beat girlfriend
During the scandal, there was also audio said to be of the Furi Furi singer mocking the 20-year-old college student, that they had a threesome and his girlfriend has now left the interwebs.
DK Kwenye Beat later decided to release a song featuring Bahati asking his fans to forgive him because he is a role model to so many.

Seeing as he is a gospel artiste, he was afraid things will go from bad to worse. Even after releasing the song, he received more hate.
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