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‘I used my daughter-in-law to bewitch my son, it backfired’ Cries city man


A Kenyan man left many in shock after calling a local radio station and confessing that he had tried using charm on his son to be able to control him.
*Simiyu* says he and the son are not on good terms hence he sought the services of a witch doctor.
Narrating how things begun he says

My wife died when my son was only 9 months old so I married someone else to help me take care of him.

From the word go my new wife and my son never got along and it was not long before she started trying to kill him by putting poison in his food.

Every time she did it my son would find out (don’t ask me how) so he decided to run away from home. That is how the rift between me and him started.

After moving away he went and got married and moved on with his wife. All my efforts to reconcile with him remained futile.

Simiyu goes on to add the frustration of knowing that he would never get along with his son pushed him to visit a witch doctor who gave him a portion to give his son.

I took the portion and approached my daughter in law and convinced her to put it in my son’s food every time she served him.

You know you have to get someone who is close to him (son). She tried severally and my son found out like he always does and threw her away.

I feel really bad for breaking up their marriage.

When I approached my daughter in law she had refused but I convinced her that I had been given the concoction by my pastor so she reluctantly accepted.

I have kids with my new wife but they are all girls so I want my son to inherit some of my properties. I recently approached him but he told me ‘Niende kwa supermarket ninunue mtoto’.

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