The debate on Classic 105 was based on why women run away from their men after they get seriously ill or run into financial difficulties.
Here is what one caller had to say
She is a friend of mine and she taught me the meaning of resilience.
She was dating a man in campus, we got married around the same time and the husband got into an accident.
It left him with memory loss and so he had to start things from scratch.
His voice also disappeared. He went through so many operations thus leaving him jobless.
The lady was also unemployed as she was a law intern but she supported him in any way she could.
The husband regained later regained his voice and memory.
For 7 years is that the lady provided for the man and for all those years you would not notice that he could not provide.
Even when they went to do shopping the lady would secretly give the man cash so it would appear he is the one who was paying for the goods.
He recovered, got a job and he can now do things on his own.
That couple taught me the meaning of resilience and what it means to say ‘For better for worse’
Another caller adds
Sometimes it is not easy to support a man. Assume a man goes out sleeps with a ‘night nurse’ anashindwa kulipa, he is then thrown of the balcony and breaks his leg.
Do you think a woman will take care of a cheating husband?
Maina, it depends on how the man got into an accident in the first place. When we give birth they run away to other women yet they expect us to support them.