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Health CS SICILY KARIUKI now reveals what may be driving Kenyan doctors in Cuba to commit suicide-This is bad

Health Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki, on Wednesday, revealed the findings of investigations on Kenyan doctors' welfare in Cuba.

Addressing the media at Afya House, CS Kariuki stated that a team of experts sent to assess the living conditions and general welfare of the Kenyan doctors had found that the cost of living in the north Caribbean country was high.

In response to the findings, the CS announced that the Ministry of Health has enhanced the allowance of the Kenyan doctors studying in Cuba to address the challenges posed by the high cost of living.

"It was noted that the students have now commenced the medical training after completing the language training and have been posted to various clinics across Havana for their post-graduate training.

"The team, however, observed that the cost of living in Cuba was relatively high and that the Kenyan Embassy in Havana was in constant communication with the students regarding their welfare. Kenyan doctors there will get more stipends from now," she stated.

The doctors will receive Ksh144,000 in allowances from Ksh50,800 per month.
The Health CS noted that there were 48 family doctors training in Cuba and instructed the Project Cuba coordination team under the ministry to closely monitor the implementation of all the priority projects to ensure their success

Earlier in March, the Ministry of Health sent a team of officials to Cuba to, among other things, asses the progress regarding the academic programme and the welfare of students in Cuba

The team held a series of meetings together with the Kenyan Embassy officials. They also interacted at length with the Kenyan Students studying in Cuba, both Post-graduate and undergraduate.

The investigations led by Health Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) Rashid Aman were to get to the root of the circumstances that led to the death of the Kenyan doctor, Hamisi Ali Juma, who was also a brother to Likoni MP Mishi Mboko.

Dr Hamisi, allegedly committed suicide with claims of depression due to the tough living conditions in Cuba.

The late Dr Ali Juma Hamisi on his graduation (Facebook)
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