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Former President Daniel Moi Dealt Blow as Govt Repossesses His Land

Former President Daniel Moi is the latest victim of a vicious Kenyan Judiciary after a court cancelled titles of five parcels of land owned by a company associated with him and former minister Nicholas Biwott.

In his ruling, The Star reported, High Court judge Anthony Ombwayo stated that the company had irregularly obtained the land.

The five parcels are located in Eldoret town and had been alienated as public land before they were allocated to the company.

“In a nutshell, the 1st defendant un-procedurally obtained title to the properties in issue as the same had been alienated as public land with public utilities and not available for conversion to private land," ruled the judge.

The contested lands are where public offices of the High Court, fire station, an Administration Police camp and the district hospital.

In the ruling of a case filed by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Ombwayo further ordered that all charges registered against the parcels be cancelled.
EACC had sued the company and Wilson Gachanja, who was the area's commissioner of lands at the time, for the illegal allocation arguing that the land was public.

In its defence, however, the company argued that the land was available for allocation and that it had acquired the title deed legitimately.

The parcels were allocated to the company between 1995 and 1998.

The case was first filed by the now defunct Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission in 2006.
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