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Expert: Why women should stop insert garlic in their private parts


It's 2019 and we thought that by now it was pretty obvious what you should and shouldn't be sticking in your vagina.

But, apparently that's not the case. ​

This year alone, doctors have already warned women not to put bath bombs, parsley and cucumber in their lady parts, and now they're back with another important myth-busting message.

And that's not to insert garlic cloves into your vagina ladies, because apparently that's a thing some people are actually doing at the moment.

Gynaecologist Dr. Jennifer Gunter, who wrote The Vagina Bible, has issued a public message to women, explaining exactly why it's a terrible idea to put garlic in your nether regions.

In a thread of tweets, Dr. Gunter revealed that some women believe garlic with help cure a yeast infection - but this is simply not the case.

She wrote: "Why you should not put garlic in your vagina. A thread.

"Garlic contains allicin, in THE LAB it MAY have antifungal (i.e. anti-yeast) properties. This is in a lab, not even in mice. Just a dish of cells. Your vagina is not a dish of cells.

"Lots of vaginal garlic aficionados (I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO TWEET THAT IN 2019, BUT HERE WE ARE) recommend inserting a clove. This means they don't understand for allicin to be released garlic has to be cut or crushed. Sigh.

"Garlic could have bacteria from the soil. Bacteria from the soil can be pathogenic - bad for the body. That's why we clean wounds. If you actually happen to have an inflamed yeasty vagina, that soil bacteria would be more likely to infect."

She goes on to list some of the other potential dangers garlic can cause, including biofilms and pain when it comes in contact with raw tissues in the vagina.

The sexpert also claims that most women (50-70 percent) who self-treat for a vaginal yeast infection, never even had one to begin with, so you may be causing yourself unnecessary damage.

She adds: "The placebo effect is strong. If you think vaginal garlic is going to make you feel better, you may very well feel better temporarily.

"My advice, do not take medical advice from anyone recommending vaginal garlic for yeast or anything else."

So there you have it folks, don't go sticking garlic, or any other vegetables, herbs or spices, up your vajayjay

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