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Photos Of Rachael Ruto, Governor Sonko Take Food Donations To Turkana

Deputy President William Ruto’s wife Rachael Ruto on Wednesday took trailer trucks with bags of food stuff to Turkana County.

Turkana county is among the most affected regions in the country where several people have allegedly died due to famine.

In a separate incident, Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko also announced that together with his Sonko Rescue Team, they will be transporting food items to the Turkana region.

Posting on his social media pages, Sonko noted: “As a Good Deeds Ambassador, my team is repackaging food and other stuffs which will be distributed to Turkana County to save Kenyans who are suffering from hunger.

“I call upon other leaders to also do something and help alleviate hunger. The State has offered Ksh2bn ton the drought affected counties,” he added, captioning pictures of hundreds of bags of food items.

Additionally, in response to the call for by Kenyans for the government to take action and save the dying citizens in Turkana, the Council of Governors also revealed that their counties have been able to distribute a total of 11,740 bags of maize, 1,500 bags of beans and 8,896 bags of rice to the hunger-stricken households.

In a statement signed by the Council of Governors (CoG) chairman Wycliffe Oparanya, the county chiefs said that every Kenyan is entitled to have ‘adequate food of acceptable quality and the freedom from hunger.’

There acts have followed dire cries from Kenyans after several people were reported dead in Baringo and Turkana counties.

Questions have also been raised over where the Ksh2 billion claimed to have been released by the government has gone as most affected areas are yet to receive aid.

On Wednesday, DP Ruto insisted that no Kenyan has starved to death, dismissing reports on 11 deaths.

However, Kenyans couldn’t take any of his words as most of them accused him of trying to ‘play PR’ while citizens are dying.

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